2-Button 2/66 Replacement Remote

2-Button 2/66 Replacement Remote

2-Button 2/66 Replacement Remote (471C)

This a replacement or additional remote for your VIPER system. View the System Compatibility chart below to see if this remote will work with your system.

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System Part Number System Model Number Date Code (?)If you see "All" in the Date Code column then the remote will work with any versions of the corresponding system. Most newer systems have the "All" designation.

If you see a value (such as 8D-9A), then the remote will only work with a subset of the system produced during a certain time period. This is only the case for some older systems.

If you have one of these older systems, here is how to find the date code:

410 V 100 HF (ESP) 8G - Up
561V 130 HV All
552V 150 ESP 9C - 0H
552V 150 ESP 0I - up
562V 160 XV All
122V 200 0D - up
416V 210 HV All
412V 211HV All
561V 130 XV All
430 V 300 HF 8B - 9A
429V PC 300 HF (ESP) All
432 V 300+ HF 8B - 9B
426V 350 HV All
438V 500 HF 8B - up
439V PC 500 HF (ESP) 7J - up
553 V 550 HF 8D - 9A
553 V 550 HF (ESP) 9B - up
563V 560 XV All
448V 600 HF 8B - 8L
449V PC 600HF (ESP) 9A - up
436 V 650 XV All
379V 700 ESP All
381 V PC 800 SHF 8B - 8F
381 V 800 SHF ESP 8G - UP
446V 850XV All
3101V 1000 All
3102V 1002 All
3201V 3000 All
3202V 3002 All
3301V 5000 All
3302V 5002 All
572 V 571 XV 6K - up
437 V 671 XV All
567 V 771 XV 5A - 7J
5501V 7900 All
552 V 150 ESP 9C - 0H
427V 330V All
412V 211 HV All

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